Seeding Change Application "*" indicates required fields Applicant and Course InformationFirst Name* Last Name* Email* Phone*Penn State Campus*Select...AbingtonAltoonaBeaverBehrendBerksBrandywineCarlisleDuBoisFayetteGreat ValleyGreater AlleghenyHarrisburgHazletonHersheyLehigh ValleyMont AltoNew KensingtonPenn CollegeSchuylkillShenangoUniversity ParkWilkes-BarreWorld CampusWorthington ScrantonYorkPenn State Unit* Job Title* Name of Project or Course* Description*Briefly describe the project, including your desired outcome and initial thoughts about how it might be implemented.Rationale*Why is Philadelphia relevant as a site for your research and/or learning?Learning Objectives*List 1-2 learning objectives for Philadelphia engagement.How will outcomes be measured or documented?*Will students be involved?* Yes No HiddenStudent InvolvementWhat is the projected number of students?*Level of students*Check all that apply. First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Graduate student ProposalHow does this project address inequities or pressing public problems or highlight marginalized perspectives in Philadelphia?*How do you hope to collaborate with the Penn State Center Philadelphia?*How do you propose to ensure accountability to the community or community-based organization you will be working with?*Does the project involve organizational partners other than the Penn State Center Philadelphia?* Yes No Letters of SupportPlease upload letters of support from any organizational partners other than Penn State Center Philadelphia. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB. BudgetTotal Program Budget*Requested Amount*Budget Narrative*Please list the costs supported with these funds.Department Approval*Please upload a letter or email of approval from your department head.Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.Do you have matching funds?* Yes No HiddenMatching FundsMatch Amount*Matching funds were obtained from which unit or external source?* CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.